There is a huge crowd of devotees in the ongoing Mahakumbh in Prayagraj. In the last 6 days alone, 7 crore people have taken bath in Sangam. The special thing is that till 6 pm on Thursday, more than 30 lakh devotees took a dip of faith in the Sangam. Sages, saints, devotees, Kalpavasis, bathers and householders took bath in the Sangam. It is noteworthy that despite the bone-chilling cold, the enthusiasm of the devotees has not diminished. Lakhs of devotees are taking bath.


New records in Mahakumbh

It is noteworthy that the bathing of saints, devotees, Kalpavasis and householders full of faith and belief in the holy Sangam in Prayagraj is creating a new record. In just 6 days from January 11 to January 16, more than 7 crore people took a holy dip in Sangam Triveni. Yogi government estimates that this time more than 45 crore people will come to Mahakumbh. Seeing such a large number of people taking bath at the beginning of Mahakumbh, it seems that the number of people taking bath may be more.


1. Came for Kalpavas: More than 10 lakhs

2. Pilgrims arrived today: 20 lakh

3. Number of people taking bath on January 16: More than 30 lakhs

4.Total baths till January 17: More than 7 crores




If we analyze the total number of people taking bath till now, from January 11 to January 16, more than 7 crore people have taken the holy bath in Sangam. Before Mahakumbh, about 45 lakh people took bath on 11 January, while 65 lakh people took bath on 12 January. Thus, there is a record of more than one crore people taking bath two days before Mahakumbh.

5 crore people took bath in the first two days

On the first day of Mahakumbh, a record 1.70 crore people took bath on the occasion of the bathing festival of Posh Purnima, while on the second day on January 14, on the occasion of Amrit Snan of Makar Sankranti, 3.50 crore people took the holy bath. Thus, more than 5.20 crore people took the holy dip in the first two days of Maha Kumbh. Apart from this, on the third day of Mahakumbh, 40 lakh people took bath in the Sangam on 15 January and till 6 pm on 16 January, 30 lakh people took bath in the Sangam. In this way the number of bathers crossed 7 crores.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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