A large number of devotees are seen in Prayagraj Mahakumbh. The Uttar Pradesh government said on Thursday that the number of devotees coming to take bath in the Ganga during Mahakumbh has exceeded 10 crores. This figure is till 12 noon today. Mahakumbh Mela started from 13 January and will continue till 26 February.

Atmosphere of excitement and enthusiasm among the devotees who came to Prayagraj

According to the official statement, the number of pilgrims is continuously increasing, with millions of people coming every day to bathe and seek spiritual virtue. This number reaches crores during bathing festivals. The 10 crore mark was crossed at 12 noon on Thursday, which is an important milestone in the ongoing Mahakumbh. It was also said that the Yogi Adityanath government had already estimated that more than 45 crore people would come to Mahakumbh this year. There is an atmosphere of excitement and enthusiasm among the devotees coming to Prayagraj. A large number of people from all over the country and the world are coming to take holy bath in Triveni Sangam.

Lakhs of devotees flocked to Sangam to take a spiritual dip

“Till 12 noon on Thursday, 30 lakh people took bath in the Sangam, including 10 lakh Kalpavasis and other devotees,” a government statement said. The statement further said that till January 23, the total number of pilgrims taking bath in the Sangam has crossed 10 crores. The largest number of pilgrims (about 3.5 crore) took bath during the festival of Makar Sankranti, while more than 1.7 crore participated in the Posh Purnima festival. While lakhs of devotees gather at the Sangam to take a spiritual dip, life continues as normal in Prayagraj city. There has been no significant impact on the daily life of the city. The district administration has imposed restrictions only on major bathing festivals, while schools, offices and businesses will function normally.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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