Harsha Richhariya Viral Post: On the afternoon of Sunday, January 19, a massive fire broke out in Sector 19 of the Mahakumbh area, which created panic in the entire area. The fire in this area near Shastri Bridge was so fierce that its flames were visible far and wide. Immediately after the incident, fire brigade and NDRF teams reached the spot and brought the fire under control. Although this accident caused massive damage in the area, it is a matter of relief that there were no casualties.
Causes and damage of fire
According to sources, the fire broke out in the tent of Geeta Press Gorakhpur Akhil Bharatiya Dharma Sangh. The flames burnt many tents to ashes. The goods kept in them were completely destroyed. Fortunately, there is no news of any injury or loss of life or property. The fire brigade and health department teams that reached the spot quickly brought the situation under control, thereby preventing further damage.
Sadhvi Harsha Richhariya expressed concern on social media
Sadhvi Harsha Richhariya expressed concern about this accident of Mahakumbh through her social media post. they wrote:
“May Mahadev protect everyone. “Administration officials are engaged in relief work with full readiness.”
After his post, people’s reactions started coming in on social media. People started praying to Mahadev for everyone’s safety.
Relief work greatly appreciated
NDRF, fire brigade, and health department teams did a commendable job in extinguishing the fire and controlling the situation. Seeing his efforts, people are praising him on social media. Considering the situation, the administration decided to vacate all the pandals and send people to safe places.
Harsha Richhariya’s post went viral
The social media post of Harsha Richhariya, who was seen dressed as a Sadhvi during Mahakumbh, quickly went viral. In his post, a prayer was made to Mahadev for everyone’s safety. There were thousands of reactions to this post, where people were expressing their concern and sympathy.
The fire alerted everyone
This incident once again highlights the need for security arrangements in the Mahakumbh area. A major accident was averted due to the promptness of the administration and security teams. After this incident, the local administration has decided to further strengthen security arrangements and vigilance.