Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav said that Madhya Pradesh will create a world record in ‘Gita Path’ on Gita Jayanti which will be celebrated on Wednesday as more than 5000 Bhagwat Bhakts will recite Bhagavad Gita in Bhopal and Ujjain.

The Bhagavad Gita will be part of the academic curriculum in the state, said the chief minister while addressing sant Mahotsav under International Gita Mahotsav in Kurukshetra, Haryana on Monday. Yadav also urged the organisers to virtually participate in the Gita Path programme. Yadav informed that in the next three years, Gita Bhawan will be ready in all the municipal bodies of the state.

CM further informed that Shri Krishna Patheya Trust is being developed in Madhya Pradesh linking all places associated with Lord Krishna as pilgrimage sites. Speaking on Lord Krishna’s stay in Madhya Pradesh, the chief minister said that all arrangements have been made to acquaint people about Maharshi Sandipani Ashram in Ujjain, a prestigious center of learning where Lord Krishna and Sudama received education. A museum called Krishnayan has been established there.

Informing that preparations for Ujjain Simhastha have started, the chief minister invited all sant and sadhus for the mega religious congregation saying that on the lines of Haridwar, the MP government will provide permanent space for construction of Ashrams, Akadas in Ujjain. The state government is also committed to ensure continuous flow of water in river Kshipra.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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