Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav announced the start of the ‘Umang Shiksha Health and Wellness’ program as part of the National Yuva Mission. The colleges, under this program, will maintain a health record of every student taking admission. Their physical, mental, and emotional health will be monitored through regular check-ups to ensure their overall well-being.

This programme will run jointly by the Higher Education and Health Department.

Tele Manas‘ (14416) services have been made available for the youth. Also, Umang helpline number 14425 has also been issued. Here, youth will be able to get health-related information. ‘Just Ask’ chatbot has also been started to give information to the youth about the ill effects of drug addiction and ways to get rid of it.

Aim to employ 70% youths by 2028

There are 24 government and 53 private universities in Madhya Pradesh.

More than 13 lakh students are studying in colleges and universities in the state. The number of private and government colleges is more than 2300.

Every year nearly 6.5 lakh students pass class 12 board exams in MP and proceed to college.

The Yuva Shakti Mission aims to provide employment to 70 percent (about 1.5 crore) youths in the state by 2028.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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