Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav showered praises on the DAVV Incubation Centre for the works it did to help start-ups. The CM’s admiration came during his visit to YUVA SAMWAD event, which provided a platform to showcase the innovative work of start-ups at Barkatullah University in Bhopal on Monday.
The DAVV incubation centre also participated in the event and setup a dedicated stall to present its initiatives and success stories. Alongside the Centre’s employees, two of its promising startups—V-Karve, founded by Vijay Soni, and Advance Quantum, represented by Param Sahu and Parag Parmar—demonstrated their groundbreaking solutions.
Both startups are ‘Made in Madhya Pradesh’, highlighting the state’s growing reputation as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. “The participation highlighted DAVV Incubation Centre’s role in nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship.
The platform allowed the startups to connect with policymakers and gain recognition for their impactful contributions to technological advancement,” DAVV registrar Ajay Verma said. The DAVV Incubation Centre is a recipient of the DST Nidhi iTBI grant and is actively engaged in initiatives that address critical challenges through innovation.
Showcased Startups
1. V-Karve: A electromechanical utility designed for efficient PCB prototyping and milling, helping creators achieve precision and speed while reducing environmental harm.
2. Advance Quantum: An AI-driven traffic management solution offering dynamic signal synchronization and speed guidance to optimize urban traffic flow and reduce congestion.