Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav will likely inaugurate the newly constructed air-conditioned Bhakt Niwas and grand Pravachan Hall, on Friday. Collector Asheesh Singh reviewed preparations during a site inspection today.

In a meeting chaired by Collector Singh, it was decided that the temple will host a three-day fair from January 17 to 19 for Til Chaturthi along with bhajan programmes. The temple will feature exquisite floral and light decorations and Lord Ganesha’s idol will be adorned with golden ornaments.

It was told in the meeting that lakhs of devotees visit the temple on the eve of New Year i.e. 31st December and on the first day of New Year i.e. January 1, and the collector instructed officials to ensure seamless arrangements, including traffic management, parking, shaded pathways, drinking water and adequate lighting.

Emergency medical arrangements will also be kept. Security will be bolstered with CCTV surveillance and additional parking and medical facilities will be provided. The meeting was attended by municipal commissioner Shivam Verma, Smart City CEO Divyank Singh and temple priests Ashok Bhatt and Jaydev Bhatt.

Discussions included the temple’s proposed master plan, under development and budget considerations for upcoming events and renovations. + box During a meeting of the Khajrana Ganesh Temple Committee, the poor condition of the road leading to the temple was discussed.

With an expected 4 lakh visitors on December 31 and January 1, collector Asheesh Singh walked to inspect the road. He instructed Municipal Commissioner Shivam Verma to repair it before the CM’s visit on Friday.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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