Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has said that the daily grant for each cow kept in cowsheds has been increased from Rs 20 to Rs 40. Yadav made the statement at a meeting with the officials of the Animal Husbandry Department on Tuesday.

He directed the officials to free pasture land by launching a drive. Plans are also afoot to give bonus to milk producers, Yadav said, adding that the funds given to cowsheds should not be misused and all cow barns should be regularly inspected.

The malnourished children should be provided with milk, he said, adding that there should be plans to keep cows in homes. A plan should be charted out to encourage those who want to pet cows, he said.

Minister for Animal Husbandry Lakhan Patel said that separate tags should be used to differentiate between pet and stray cows, so that the cattle might be easily identified.

Chief Secretary Anurag Jain said sex-sorted semen should used as much as possible for improving the breed of cattle and for producing better calves. According to the 20th cow census, the state has 1.87 crore cows. There are nearly 3.15 lakh cattle in cowsheds which are given grants, Jain said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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