Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav virtually reviewed the progress of four divisions including Rewa, Shahdol, Gwalior and Chambal division on Monday. He directed all MLAs to prepare a master plan of their constituencies so that development work of their region could be done in a planned manner.

Participating in the review meeting of all four divisions from Samatav Bhawan of CM House, he said that the government is committed to give priority to development works and to provide better services to people.

He informed that from December 11 till January 26 the government is conducting Jan Kalyan Abhiyan and hence all MLAs and government officials shall ensure that beneficiaries get full benefit of schemes.

CM dismayed over pending dues

While reviewing Gwalior division, the CM said that he has received information that payment of JC Mills is pending. He asked the collector and concerned revenue officers to clear the dues of labourers at the earliest.

CM expresses concern

The CM expressed concern over the death of a child after falling inside an open bore well in a village of Raghogarh in Guna district. He said all collectors shall ensure that no such incident shall occur in the future. He even asked collectors to get the private open bore well closed.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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