Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Sunday attended the Bhojpal Mahotsav Mela organised in Bhopal where he said that the program has been organised to pay tributes to Raja Bhoj.

“This fair is organised in the name of Raja Bhoj,” Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav said, adding that after Lord Ram, Krishna was calling him.

“Lord Ram is smiling in Ayodhya. Hamare toh kaleja chappan inch se bahar nikal ke aa raha hai (this makes me extremely happy). In the future, after Lord Ram, Yamunaji ka Krishan Kanhaiya bulwa raha hai (Yamuna’s Krishna Kanhaiya is calling),” Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav said while addressing the gathering at the Mahotsav Mela.

The MP CM said that they don’t speak about anyone with ill intentions but will not compromise for the Sanatan order. “Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and all 33 crore devi-devtas…our lives are meant to hail them. We are carriers of such a culture which hails (Lord) Rama in life and death. We do not trouble anyone. We do not speak about anyone with ill intentions. But we will never compromise for the Sanatan order. This is our culture,” CM Yadav said.

Furthermore, CM Yadav praised Raja Bhoj and said that he was his ideal.

“If we remember the various tales in the life of Raja Bhoj…he was a ruler who remains a master in scriptures and weaponry. He won two battles at the same time. Only Raja Bhoj had the ability to defeat them. He was charitable since he gave a gold brick to poets for each word in their poems. Can you imagine? This is why he (Raja Bhoj) said that he wants to be like Vikramaditya. Our ideal is in Raja Bhoj…” Yadav said.

Earlier, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National President and Union Minister JP Nadda, along with Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, visited the Mahakaleshwar Temple and offered prayers on Sunday.

CM Yadav told reporters that he sought divine blessings for the progress of the party.

“Today, BJP National President JP Nadda offered prayers at Baba Mahakal Temple. I welcome him to Ujjain. I pray to Baba Mahakal for the progress of our party under his leadership and his blessings in governance,” Yadav said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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