Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh Anti-Terrorist Squad (MP ATS) has handed over three remaining accused in a cybercrime case to the state Cyber Police for further investigation. This follows an incident in which one of the accused, Himanshu, died after falling from the balcony of a hotel room in Gurugram while attempting to escape police custody.
The ATS team had been in Gurugram to apprehend suspects allegedly involved in a cybercrime case linked to terror funding. On Tuesday, the team arrested four individuals from a society in Dhunela village, Sohna, and had them in custody at a hotel near the Sohna bus stand.
At around 1 p.m., Himanshu, a resident of Bihar’s Sukhshin village inMadhepura district, requested to use the restroom. However, he attempted to escape by climbing onto the balcony and jumping using a wire attached to a pole. He lost his grip and tragically fell to his death.
In the wake of the incident, MP ATS officials have taken disciplinary action against the team involved in the arrest. A magisterial inquiry into the matter has also been ordered by the Gurugram administration. Meanwhile, the three other accused have been transferred to the MP Cyber Police for further questioning and investigation.