11 passengers lost their lives and 5 were injured in a tragic train accident in Jalgaon district of Maharashtra. The incident occurred when passengers of the Lucknow-Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Pushpak Express jumped out of the train and were hit by the Karnataka Express passing on the nearby track. According to officials, the main reason for this accident was the false rumor of fire in Pushpak Express, which created panic among the passengers.
How did the accident happen?
The tragic incident took place around 5 pm between Maheji and Pardhade stations. After the rumor of fire in Pushpak Express spread, a passenger pulled the chain, due to which the train stopped. Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO) of Central Railway, Swapnil Kumar Leela said:
“As soon as the train stopped, some passengers came out of a coach. At the same time, Karnataka Express coming from the other direction passed by and these passengers were hit by it.”
Had to cross the wrong track.
According to the Railway Ministry, several passengers boarding the Pushpak Express from Jalgaon stopped the train by pulling alarm chain (ACP). After this they came down and started crossing the track. Unfortunately, these passengers were hit by another train while trying to cross the track in the wrong direction.
Rescue operation was carried out rapidly
Immediately after the incident, Railway’s relief medical van was sent from Bhusaval to the spot. Nashik Divisional Commissioner Praveen Gedam said that the Railways and the local administration started the rescue operation quickly.
“Eight ambulances and additional rescue vans were sent to the spot to shift the injured passengers to nearby hospitals. Railway officials and police also reached the spot.”
Karnataka Express and Pushpak Express resume journey
After preliminary investigation at the spot and taking the injured to hospital, Karnataka Express resumed its journey. Pushpak Express was also moved forward after providing assistance to the injured passengers.
Railway Ministry’s response
Railways expressed deep condolences on this accident and said that all necessary steps are being taken to ensure the safety of passengers. Railway officials urged passengers not to believe any rumors and avoid walking on the railway tracks.
Again message for railway passengers
This incident has once again highlighted the need for railway safety and awareness. Passengers have been advised to use alarm chain pulling properly and avoid panic in emergency situations.