In a heartwarming yet tragic story from Russia, a dog named Belka showed incredible loyalty after her owner drowned in the Ufa River. 

As per reports, the 59-year-old man fell through thin ice while trying to cross the frozen river. Despite a passerby’s attempt to save him, the strong current swept him away.  

Rescue teams searched the river for four days before finding his body downstream. Meanwhile, Belka stayed near the spot where her owner disappeared, waiting for him to return. She kept going back to the same place, even during the night, holding on to hope.  

The man’s family tried to bring Belka home several times, but the loyal dog always escaped and returned to the riverbank. Photos of her glowing in the dark during her vigil have touched many hearts. People have compared her to Hachiko, the famous Japanese dog who waited for his deceased owner for years. 

The rescue mission was dangerous. One of the rescuers suffered severe frostbite while searching in the icy conditions.

Belka’s story is a touching reminder of the strong bond between pets and their owners. Her loyalty, even in the face of tragedy, has left many deeply moved.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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