Double Murder: The police has arrested the accused of double murder that took place in Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. The accused committed the murder in Friends Colony of Chakeri area on Sunday night. The accused first killed his wife with an axe. Then his mother-in-law, who came to save him, was also murdered. The wife had an immoral relationship with another young man, due to which there was a fight between the two. Hearing the screams, the neighbors informed the police. When the police reached the spot, they found the door of the house locked from inside. The police broke the lock of the gate and entered inside. Police found blood soaked bodies of two women lying there. The accused was present at the spot and was immediately arrested. The accused told that the wife had an illicit relationship with a young man.

The accused has been identified as James Joseph alias Badal, who is originally a resident of Kala Aam, Police Station Kotwali area of ​​Bulandshahr district. He had a love marriage with his cousin sister Kamini, 39, in 2017. After marriage, James started living in Friends Colony with his wife and 62-year-old mother-in-law Pushpa. He used to work in the canteen. His neighbor Sanjeev Gupta called 112 and informed the police about the shouting in the house. Chakeri police station in-charge Ashok Kumar Dubey reached the spot. When UP police entered, James was found sitting on the bed. The bodies of both the women were lying on the ground.

According to East ADCP Rajesh Srivastava, Kamini was in contact with a youth from Delhi for two years. , She had run away from home in October. When she returned later, James warned her several times not to talk to the young man. But Kamini did not agree. During the night, James caught Kamini red handed while talking to that young man. After which a fight started between the two. He attacked Kamini with an axe. Mother-in-law came to save his wife. James also attacked his mother-in-law with an axe. Both died on the spot.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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