Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The sleuths of the Special Police Establishment (SPE) Lokayukta, Bhopal, have seized valuables and cash to the tune of Rs 8 crore from the two houses of a former RTO constable Sourabh Sharma, the officials said here on Friday.

The raid was started on Thursday morning, which ended on Friday morning. Lokayukta DSP Virendra Singh said they have seized Rs 2.84 crore in cash, two quintal silver bricks worth Rs 2.12 crore, gold worth 50 lakh and other valuables like cars, SUVs and luxury items.

The silver bricks were hidden beneath tiles in the house and the sleuths had to break open the tiles and dig through the soil to bring them out. The police have also seized nine cash counting machines—four big and five small. The DSP also added that huge numbers of property papers were also found in the raid.

The details of the bank lockers and accounts will come in the next week. The officer said they had received a tip-off that former constable of RTO Sharma has amassed wealth disproportionate to his known source of income.

Based on the information, two teams conducted raids on the two premises of the retired constable on Thursday early morning. One premises is situated in Shahpura and another in Arera Hills.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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