Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Katara Hills police on Friday arrested a loan shark who lent money to an MBA student and was now extorting hefty amount from him as interest. The accused threatened the student and his family with a fake pistol and forced them to give him blank cheques and sign an agreement in his favour, besides taking away the jewellery of the student’s mother.

Depressed over the harassment, the family finally approached police for help and got the culprit arrested. The accused is being questioned. According to reports, resident of Heavens Life Colony, Suresh Ahirwar (26) is an MBA student.

In a bid to earn quick money, Suresh started bidding through online gaming apps. He borrowed cash Rs 9.15 lakh in different installments from Narendra Raghuvanshi from November 2021 till October 2022. Suresh paid over Rs 9 lakh along with Rs 3 lakh as interest to Narendra. However, despite the repayment of loan and interest money, Narendra was still demanding Rs 13.23 lakh from Suresh.

Briefing media persons, DCP Zone 2 Sanjay Agarwal on Friday said that Narendra Raghuvanshi started harassing Suresh and his family members. He often used to reach their home and threatened them with a fake pistol. Narendra forced Suresh to give seven blank cheques and two cheques of Rs 3.50 lakh along with his mother’s jewelry and even forced him to sign on an agreement in his favour.

A team under incharge Katara Hills police station Brijendra Nigam on Friday traced and nabbed Narendra Raghuvanshi following a tip off. A fake pistol, jewellery worth Rs 3 lakh and cheques given by Suresh was recovered from Narendra, DCP added. Police officials said, primary questioning from the loan shark Narendra revealed that he was running an illegal money lending network.

He used to lend money on high rates of interest and harassed people to extort cash. Narendra carried a fake pistol to threaten his clients. Some more victims of the land shark may soon approach police, officials added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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