The animal grabbed eyeballs…not literally. | Instagram

Lion is one of the most majestic animal who look best in forests. The regal grace of the animal doesn’t quite shine on in captivity or circuses. The magnetism of the wild cat is exactly the reason why people were seen clicking selfies with one out in the open. Except there was a low chance that the animal would pounce on people to violently rip out their entrails. The viral video makes for a fun watch nonetheless.

It looked like a lion but was actually a dog wearing, not lion’s skin, but some hasty disguise made to look like the king of the jungle.

But first glance at the animal and you’d surely mistake it for a lion. And a lion proudly riding on the bonnet of a car in the middle of the city? Well this will surely grab eyeballs.

The video has been posted by a Visakhapattinam native who has recorded the ‘lion’ from behind. It is standing on the bonnet of what looks like an open-top jeep.

The (L-og?) animal seems calm enough enjoying the evening breeze as the vehicle moves through the city. The video then cuts to a throng of passerbys who are amused at the animal and clicking photos after photos.

It’s not clear if the people actually think it’s a lion or they see behind the masquerade.

Some of them appear to see through the hasty make-up job and treat the dog like a dog.

The post says that it is a 20-months-old English Mastiff by the name Sultan.

Watch the complete video below:

The person whom the account belongs to however, doesn’t give a single clue as to why on Earth the dog was forced to have an identity crisis to start with.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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