A tragic incident took place in Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary in Gujarat. On January 1, a leopard crossed the sanctuary boundary and entered the Kevadiya forest area and hunted a blackbuck. Subsequently, seven more blackbucks were found dead in the forest. Experts believe that these deer also died due to shock and fear of the killing of their partner.
The Forest Department has conducted the post-mortem of all the eight black bucks and cremated them. According to officials, leopards are seen in the surrounding forests, but this is the first time that a leopard managed to enter inside the sanctuary.
The sanctuary was being monitored through 400 CCTV cameras, and security personnel were alerted as soon as information about the leopard’s entry was received. However, the leopard remained hidden nearby even after escaping. The park was closed for 48 hours after the incident.
Blackbuck is considered extremely sensitive and revered by the Bishnoi community. This incident is not only a challenge to wildlife conservation, but also raises questions on the security arrangements of the sanctuary.