Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy is a science fiction series featuring the voices of Gaten Matarazzo, Tony Revolori, Marsai Martin, and Bobby Moynihan, among others. It is set release on OTT in September 2024.

When and where to watch Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy?

The action and adventure series is set to release on September 13, 2024. Audiences can watch it on Disney + Hotstar. The makers of the series shared the trailer on X and captioned, “Legends aren’t made. They’re built. Watch the trailer for LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy. The four-piece special event arrives September 13, only on @DisneyPlus.”


The story revolves around a Star Wars galaxy. The trailer of the series opens with a nerf-herder, Sig Greebling, discovering an artifact and accidentally activating a Jedi relic that twists the universe of Star Wars. To make everything normal, where heroes are bad and villains are good, he embarks on a journey to bring back the pieces together and make the universe look like before.

Cast and production of Lego Star Wars: Rebuild The Galaxy

The miniseries features the voices of Sig Greebling as Gaten Matarazzo, Jedi Bob as Bobby Moynihan, Darth Jar Jar as Ahmed Best, Yesi Scala as Marsai Martin, Dev Greebling as Tony Revolori, Bounty Hunter C-3PO as Anthony D.els and Servo as Michael Cusack, among others.

The upcoming science fiction series is based on George Lucas’ Star Wars. It is produced by D.el Cavey and Dan Langlois.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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