A major encounter took place late Monday night in Jhinjhana area of Shamli district of Uttar Pradesh. Meerut team of UP STF (Special Task Force) surrounded the miscreants of Mustafa Kagga gang and conducted an encounter. During this, four criminals including Arshad, who had a reward of Rs 1 lakh, were killed in the shootout between the police and the criminals. However, in this encounter, STF Inspector Sunil Kumar also got hit by several bullets, who was immediately admitted to the hospital. A huge quantity of arms and ammunition was recovered from the spot.
How did the encounter happen?
STF’s Meerut unit had received information that Arshad, an active member of Mustafa Kagga gang, was in Jhinjhana area with his associates. Acting on this information, STF surrounded the miscreants at around 2:30 in the night. Arshad and his three associates (Manjeet, Satish and an unknown miscreant) were present in a car. Seeing themselves surrounded, the miscreants started firing. STF also retaliated, in which all four miscreants were killed.
Inspector Sunil Kumar’s condition is critical
During the encounter, STF Inspector Sunil Kumar was hit by several bullets. He was first taken to Amritdhara Hospital in Karnal, from where doctors referred him to Medanta Hospital in Gurugram. His condition is said to be serious but stable.
Identification of the criminals who died
Apart from Arshad carrying a reward of Rs 1 lakh, the slain criminals include Manjeet, Satish and another unknown criminal. Arshad was a resident of Gangoh police station area of Saharanpur. More than 12 cases of robbery, dacoity and murder were registered against him.
Huge quantity of weapons recovered
After the encounter, STF recovered country-made carbine, pistol and other weapons from the spot. These weapons are being investigated. Senior police and STF officials reached the spot and took stock of the entire incident.
UP Police action: 217 criminals killed in seven years
Uttar Pradesh Police has adopted a tough stance against criminals in the last seven years. According to data from 2017 to December 2024, police killed 217 criminals in encounters. Also, assets worth more than Rs 140 billion were seized under the Gangster Act.
law and order reform
According to the annual report of UP Police, 7546 criminals were punished through effective advocacy. This strictness of the government and the police is a strong message for the criminals.