Mumbai: ‘Lapatta Ladies’, sent as India’s official entry to the Oscars, has not been shortlisted. The film is produced by Aamir Khan and directed by his ex-wife Kiran Rao. On the other hand, ‘Santosh’, made in Hindi with Indian actors but produced by a UK production company, has already been shortlisted. Apart from this, filmmaker Guneet Monga’s short film ‘Anuja’, who has won the Academy Award twice, has also been shortlisted this time.

The awards will be announced by the Oscar Academy in March next year.

However, before that there is a short list round in December which includes 15 films in each category. The final winner is announced from among these shortlisted films.

The shortlisted Hindi film ‘Santosh’ is produced by British Indian actor Sandhya Suri. India’s Shahana Goswami is in the lead role in this. Guneet Monga’s short film ‘Anuja’ is based on the exploitation of child labor in the textile industry.

While sending the official entry from India, the Film Federation of India selected Aamir Khan’s company ‘Lapatta Ladies’. There was a lot of discussion at that time as to why Payal Kapadia’s ‘All We Imagine as Light’, which won several international awards, was not selected by the Film Federation of India. Even today many net users and many filmmakers criticized the Film Federation.

In the international feature film category, Brazil’s ‘I’m Still Here’, Canada’s ‘Universal Language’, Czech Republic’s ‘Waves’, Denmark’s ‘The Girl with the Needle’, France’s ‘Emilia Perez’, Germany’s The Seed of The Sacred Fig is included. ‘, Latvia’s ‘Tchitalini’ Vermiligo’ island. These include ‘Flo’, Norway’s ‘Ermund’, Palestine’s ‘Ground Zero’, Senegal’s ‘Dahomme’ and Thailand’s ‘Before Grandma Dies’.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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