Shraddha Arya Twins: Popular TV actress and ‘Kundali Bhagya’ fame Shraddha Arya has shared the good news with fans. The actress has become a mother, a cradle has been made at her house. The actress has shared the joy of becoming a mother with her fans by sharing a post on social media. The actress has given birth to twins. She has given birth to a son and a daughter.
Shraddha gave birth to children on 29 November. The actress has informed fans about the birth of her children by sharing a video on social media. In the video, Shraddha is sitting with both the children in her lap. Along with this, balloons of a girl and a boy are seen in his hospital room.
The actress’ post went viral
While sharing the video, Shraddha wrote, ‘Two small joys have completed our family. Our heart is filled with double happiness. #TwinBlessings, #ABoyAndAGirl and #BestOfBothTheWorlds.’ Now celebs are commenting on Shraddha’s post and congratulating her.
Shraddha became famous in every household by playing the character of Preeta.
Talking about Shraddha’s personal life, she married Indian Naval officer Rahul Nagal in November 2021. Only a few special people attended Shraddha’s wedding. Shraddha and Rahul had announced their pregnancy in September this year. Shraddha is known for her show Kundali Bhagya. Shraddha played the role of Preeta in this show. Shraddha became famous in every household by playing the character of Preeta.