Singer Mika Singh recently made some shocking claims about self-proclaimed film critic Kamaal R Khan and his alleged feud with comedian Kapil Sharma in an interview, and now, KRK has responded to the claims. Calling Mika “uneducated”, KRK stated that his guards were the ones who slapped the singer and Kapil because they were drunk.

According to Indian Express, KRK said, “Mika is a donkey, he is uneducated, uncouth, still he calls himself a singer. He said that I met him in Dubai and that he misbehaved with me. The next day he told me he didn’t remember what happened.”

He went on to say, “He is right, he met me in Dubai and kept calling me for days, so I invited him home. He promised he’d show up but didn’t. The next day I asked his manager about it, and apparently Mika was afraid that I would kidnap him. What would I gain by kidnapping this loser? He’s a nobody.”

KRK also spoke about the incident with Kapil and claimed, “Mika Singh claimed that he and Kapil Sharma came to my house in Mumbai and misbehaved with me, you all can Google the incident. In reality, both he and Kapil were drunk that night, they came to my house and asked the security guard to meet me, but he didn’t let them in. So, they got pictures clicked below my house and started insisting on meeting me.”

“They were drunk, and were refusing to leave, so my security guards had to slap them. They were thrown out, and that night Kapil tweeted something. When I saw those in the morning, I reacted to those tweets,” he added.

KRK also said that he later warned Mika to not pull off such stunts again, and the singer apologised to him.

For those unversed, Mika claimed in a podcast that while he was a friend of KRK, comedian Kapil Sharma was once upset with the critic, and the two then visited KRK’s home and damaged his property. Mika also shared that once he and Honey Singh got into a brawl with KRK during which the Blue Eyes singer even pulled KRK’s hair.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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