Navi Mumbai: In the wake of the BEST bus accident that occurred in Kurla on Monday night, the Koparkhairane Traffic Branch organized a special workshop on Wednesday at the Ghansoli Bus Depot of the Navi Mumbai Municipal Transport Department (NMMT).
The workshop aimed to raise awareness about traffic rules among the NMMT bus drivers and conductors. More than 100 drivers from the Ghansoli Depot attended the session.
The tragic incident at Kurla on Monday night resulted in the deaths of seven people and injuries to 42 others. It was found that the accident was caused due to the negligence of a novice bus driver.
There have also been several accidents involving NMMT bus drivers in Navi Mumbai in the past. To prevent a repeat of the Kurla incident in Navi Mumbai, the Koparkhairane Traffic Branch organized the special session at the Ghansoli Bus Depot to raise awareness among the bus drivers.
During the session, Assistant Police Inspector Vishwas Bhingardive of the Koparkhairane Traffic Branch gave detailed guidance on how NMMT drivers can avoid accidents by following traffic rules, how to ensure safety while driving buses, and how to protect passengers and themselves from accidents. He also instructed bus drivers not to use mobile phones while driving, avoid breaking traffic signals, and stop vehicles before the zebra crossing.
“We also informed the drivers that random checks for drunk driving would be conducted, and strict action would be taken against any drivers found guilty. He assured the bus drivers that any issues they raised would be addressed within eight days,” Bhingardive said.