Mumbai: The city witnessed the sunrise at 7:06 am and the sun is scheduled to set at 6:05 pm on Wednesday, December 18, 2024. The minimum and maximum temperatures are expected to range between 21 degrees Celsius and 31 degrees Celsius, respectively. Today’s forecast promises the sky to be sunny.

For the past few days, the dream city has been experiencing sharp fluctuations in temperatures. Kindly organise your day according to the temperature and predicted weather conditions. The humidity is expected to be around 36 per cent, which is lower than the humidity level on Tuesday.

Why does AQI increase in the winter?

Today’s Air Quality Index is 190, indicating poor AQI in the city and its surrounding areas. Senior citizens are advised to avoid stepping outside and take precautionary measures. Wear a mask while stepping outside, and do not forget to carry sunglasses and sunscreen.

According to the weather department, the AQI increases in the winter because winds are calmer and slower, which reduces the dispersion of pollutants. This traps pollutants closer to the ground. The AQI increases because people use more biomass in the winter to warm their homes, increasing air pollution.

Weather forecast for December 19

Mumbai is forecasted to experience minimum and maximum temperatures around 21 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius, respectively. The city will likely witness the sunrise at 7:06 am and the sun is scheduled to set at 6:05 pm on Thursday, December 19. The humidity is expected to be around 49 per cent.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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