Actors Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya officially tied the knot in a traditional Telugu ceremony on December 4. For their wedding, the actress made a stunning bridal statement in two culturally significant sarees: the gold pattu saree and the madhuparkam saree. These timeless nine yards are not only visually striking but also carry deep-rooted symbolic meanings, making them an integral part of South Indian weddings.
Gold pattu saree
Sobhita looked breathtaking in her gold pattu saree during the Gowri Puja ceremony, a ritual that occurs before the wedding at the bride’s home. For those unfamiliar, “pattu” is the Tamil term for silk. It is a staple of South Indian bridal wear and a testament to the region’s rich textile heritage.
This exquisite fabric is made from luxurious silk and embellished with intricate zari work, which involves gold threads. The gold colour symbolises prosperity, opulence, and the importance of marital bonds, making it an ideal choice for a wedding ceremony.
Madhuparkam saree
Following the Gowri Puja, Telugu brides change to the madhuparkam, a white and red saree. It is a symbol of purity and devotion, worn when the mangalsutra is tied by the groom. This saree features a white or off-white base with a contrasting red border. The white represents purity, while the red stands for fertility and prosperity.
Sobhita also changed into the traditional red and white cotton saree, paired with a half-sleeved blouse. The actress’ choice of these ethnic saree not only showcased her regal charm but also honoured this beloved tradition.
Sobhita Dhulipala’s wedding jewellery | Instagram
The Made in Heaven fame styled her bridal looks with exquisite gold jewellery, including traditional temple-inspired pieces like layered necklaces, intricate jhumkas, and a bold maang tikka.
Her makeup was elegant, featuring a dewy base, soft brown-toned eyeshadow, bold kajal, and a deep nude lip. She rounded off her bridal glam with a sleek, neatly parted bun adorned with fresh jasmine flowers.