Tips for a healthy baby: Being pregnant is a special experience for every woman. Every couple wants their child to be physically and mentally healthy. For this, the pregnant woman needs to pay special attention to her daily routine and eating habits. The mother’s health and lifestyle during pregnancy is extremely important for a healthy baby. After pregnancy, a woman should take care of her diet, sleep and mental health. In this article, know from Dr. Anita Medical Center, Dr. Lalit Mohan Kaushik, what should parents do for a healthy and intelligent child?

Tips for a healthy child

Special attention to diet during pregnancy
A woman’s diet during pregnancy has a direct impact on the health and development of the child. A pregnant woman should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins and dairy products in her diet. Foods rich in nutrients like folic acid, iron, calcium and zinc should be consumed.

Stay stress free and get enough sleep.
According to doctors, a pregnant woman should take at least 8 hours of sleep every day. Taking complete sleep keeps a woman’s mind calm. Which has a positive effect on the child growing in the womb. A woman should maintain a positive mindset and environment during pregnancy. This has a good effect on the mental and physical development of the child.

Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol
Excessive caffeine consumption during pregnancy can affect the development of the baby. The woman should reduce the amount of tea and coffee. Alcohol and smoking should be completely avoided.

regular exercise
According to the doctor, doing light exercise like yoga, walking or pregnancy exercise improves the health of the pregnant woman and the baby also develops properly.

Use of folic acid and other supplements
Supplements like folic acid, iron, calcium and omega-3 are very important during pregnancy. Consumption of folic acid helps in proper development of the child’s brain and spinal cord. It should be started in the initial months of pregnancy on the advice of the doctor.

stay hydrated
A pregnant woman should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Water flushes out toxins from the body and helps the baby retain the necessary amniotic fluid.

regular checkup with doctor
It is very important to keep in regular contact with the doctor during pregnancy. Doctor’s checkup gives accurate information about baby’s development and woman’s health.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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