Bengaluru: The city witnessed the sunrise at 06:33 am, and the sun is scheduled to set at 5:55 pm. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the city is set to experience moderate, mostly cloudy skies, and it will likely remain the same throughout the day. The minimum and maximum temperatures are likely to hover around 18 degrees Celsius and 24 degrees Celsius.
The humidity level is expected to range around 76 per cent, which is lower than the humidity level on Monday. Today, the wind is expected to blow steadily from the East at a speed of 19 km/h and the Air Quality Index (AQI) is expected to stand at 78, which indicates moderate air quality in the city.
Today’s weather forecast
Today, no rain alert has been issued by the IMD in the city, but the skies are likely to remain cloudy. Today, scattered moderate rainfall is anticipated in South Interior Karnataka, while dry air is likely to prevail in other regions of the state. Meanwhile, dry air is likely to prevail in the other regions of Karnataka. Some parts of the North Interior Karnataka and South Interior Karnataka is expected to experience dense foggy weather.
The Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC) has shared a weather report on X and stated, “Widespread moderate rain and scattered rain with thundershowers in the southern hinterland, coastal and rainfed districts of the state today. from December 17 in the southern interior districts and from December 19 in the coastal regions.”
Weather forecast for December 14
The city, which is set to see the Sunrise at 06:33 am, will experience heavy showers, and it will be accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning. The sun is scheduled to set at 5:56 pm. The minimum and maximum temperatures will likely hover around 16 degrees Celsius and 27 degrees Celsius. The humidity is expected to be around 66 per cent. The wind is expected to blow from the East at 14 Km/h.