Parachute is a thriller drama series starring Shakthi Rithvik, Kishore, Kani Thiru, and Krishna, among others. It is written by Sridhar K and directed by Rasu Ranjith. The film is streaming on OTT.

When and where to watch Parachute?

Parachute is streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. The Tamil language series is also available in Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, and Marathi. Sharing the show’s trailer on X, the makers wrote, “Good luck to you! #HotstarSpecials #Parachute Streaming Now on #DisneyplushotstarTamil.”


The series revolves around two siblings, Varun and Rudra, who live with their mother, a housewife, and their father, Shanmugam, who works as a gas cylinder delivery agent. Shanmugam has a short temper and can be grumpy, often resorting to physical punishment when Varun misbehaves. The story takes an interesting turn when Rudra and Varun embark on an adventure using their father’s bike, Parachute. Trouble arises when they go missing. The series explores themes of emotional reconciliation and the bond between parents and children.

Cast and production of Parachute

The cast of the series includes Shakthi Rithvik as Varun, Ilan Iyal as Rudhra, Kani Thiru as Lakshmi, Krishna as Kirubakaran, Kishore as Shanmugam, Kani Thiru as Lakshmi, Kaali Venkat as Charles, Rasu Ranjith as Kola, Inba Ravikumar as Muttai, and Supergood Subramani as SI Rajan, among others. The five-episodic series is produced by Krishna and KS Madhubala under the banner of Tribal Horse Entertainment.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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