Karate Girls is a sports drama series starring Ashlesha Thakur, Manav Gohil, and Meiyang Chang, among others. The series is which is directed by Victor Mukherjee is based on themes of friendship, self-discovery, loyalty, resilience, and perseverance. It is now streaming on OTT.

Where to watch Karate Girls?

The series is streaming on MX Player and Amazon Prime Video. The streaming platform shared the trailer of the series on X and wrote, “ye kahaani hai punches aur problems ke beech, jeet ki taiyyaari ki 🥋🔥 #KarateGirls presented by @dotandkey.skincare releasing 13 Dec for FREE on Amazon MX Player 👭🔜 .”


The film is set in Nashik and follows the story of an 18-year-old girl named Komal Kumar, who comes from a struggling background and has anger issues. Her life takes a turn when she is compelled to join her friend Abha’s father’s karate academy, Navodaya. On her first day at the academy, she clashes with Abha, but they soon realise that, despite their differences, they must come together for a greater purpose. What unfolds next is revealed throughout the series.

Cast and production of Karate Girls

The series features Ashlesha Thakur, Manav Gohil, Celesti Bairagey, Meiyang Chang, Chirag Katrecha, and Rohan Joshi, among others. The series is written by Gaurav Patki, Shubhangi M, Tanmay Dhodapkar and Neha Pawar. Karate Girls is produced by Arnav Chakravarty, Aditi Shrivastava, Sanket Kunde, and Sudhanshu Pandita under Dice Media.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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