Jackdaw is an action thriller film starring Oliver Jackson-Cohen as Jack, Thomas Turgoose as Craig and Jenna Coleman as Bo, among others. The film premiered at Fantastic Fest on September 22, 2023, and later it was released in theatres on January 26, 2024. The film which delves into themes of desperation, loyalty, and the lengths one will go to protect loved ones, is streaming on OTT.

Where to watch Jackdaw?

The film is streaming on JioCinema and Amazon Prime Video in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.


The film is set in Hartlepool in the North-East of England and revovles around a former motocross champion and army veteran who has fallen on hard times, is now caring for his younger brother after their mother’s death. Struggling financially, Jack agrees to a job that involves collecting a mysterious package from the North Sea.

This decision entangles him in a dangerous situation with significant ramifications for his family. As Jack embarks on this perilous mission, he finds himself navigating a treacherous underworld, confronting both external threats and his own personal demons.

Cast and production of Jackdaw

The cast of the film includes Oliver Jackson-Cohen as Jack, Thomas Turgoose as Craig, Jenna Coleman as Bo, Rory McCann as Armstrong, Vivienne Acheampong, Leon Harrop as Simon, Joe Blakemore as Silas and Austin Haynes, among others.

It is written and directed by Jamie Childs. Sebastien Raybaud has produced the film with Callum Grant, Jamie Childs, and Kate Glover under the banner of Anton, Never / Sleep Pictures, and North East Screen. David Fisher has edited the film and Will Baldy has done the cinematography of t he film.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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