Win or Lose is an animated series which is created by Carrie Hobson and Michael Yates. The animated comedy drama series is directed and written by Carrie Hobson and Michael Yates and it is streaming on OTT.

Where to watch Win or Lose?

The series is Disney+ Hotstar. It explores themes of Resilience of climate and industrial policy amid geopolitical uncertainties.


This eight episodic animated comedy-drama centres on the Pickles, a co-ed middle school softball team, during the week leading up to their championship game. Each of the eight episodes presents the same events from the unique perspective of a different team member, including players, their parents, and the umpire. This narrative approach is complemented by varying visual styles and elements of magical realism, offering a multifaceted view of the team’s experiences.


The series cast the voices of Will Forte as Coach Dan, Izaac Wang as Yuwen, Jo Firestone as Sweaty, Ian Chen, Milan Ray as Rochelle, Josh Thomson as Frank, Rosie Foss, Rosa Salazar as Vanessa, Dorien Watson, Chanel Stewart as Kai, Melissa Villasenor, Rhea Seehorn, Orion Tran, Beck Nolan, Tom Law, Jaylin Fletcher, Kyliegh Curran, and Flula Borg, among others.

All about Win or Lose

The musical score is composed by Ramin Djawadi, known for his work on Game of Thrones, with original songs by CAMPFIRE and Djawadi, enhancing the series’ emotional and narrative depth. It is produced by Carrie Hobson, Lindsey Collins, Pete Docter, David Lally, Michael Yates, and Carrie Hobson under the banner of Pixar Animation Studios.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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