Knife Attack At French Market Leaves One Dead, Several Injured; Suspect Arrested | X @theinformant_x

Paris [France]: One person was killed, and several others were left wounded in a knife attack at a town market in eastern France, in what French authorities have described as an act of terror, CNN reported.

About The Attack

According to CNN, the attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is Greatest) while targeting several municipal police officers as well as a passerby, the prosecutor’s office said. A civilian has died, and three officers are injured.

The suspect was later arrested and is currently in police custody, the office of France’s national anti-terror prosecutor confirmed in a press release.

“Horror has just gripped our city. A man attacked passers-by at the cvered canal market with a knife, several municipal police officers who intervened to neutralize him were also injured,” Mulhouse town mayor Michèle Lutz said in a statement Saturday on Facebook.

The 37-year-old suspect is from Algeria, according to France’s interior ministry.

French President Emmanuel Macron Strongly Condemns The Incident

French President Emmanuel Macron strongly condemned the incident, describing it as “no doubt, an Islamic terrorist act, given the terrorist’s words,” as reported by CNN.

He also expressed condolences to the victim’s family, adding that France’s national anti-terror prosecutor is looking into the case.

France Interior Minister On The Attack

French Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau said that the suspect had previously been convicted for apology of terrorism – the crime of speaking positively of a terror act or group. He would have been deported to Algeria, but the country refused to accept him, Retailleau added.

“Once again, it is Islamist terrorism that has struck! And it is the migratory disorders that are at the origin of this act, Retailleau wrote on X. Retailleau, a member of the right-wing party “Les Républicains,” and is currently campaigning to be elected as party president.

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ’s editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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