Kitchen Tawa: Some special rules regarding kitchen have been given in Vastu Shastra. According to Vastu Shastra, if these rules related to kitchen are not followed then Vastu defect occurs. This Vaastu defect has a negative impact on the financial life of the family members. According to Vastu Shastra, the rules related to kitchen in the house should always be followed. In Vastu Shastra, some rules have been given regarding the daily use of Lodhi in the kitchen. This rule should always be followed. So let us also tell you two important rules related to Lodhi.


Keep the Lodhi upside down on the gas.

According to Vastu Shastra, if this mistake related to Lodhi is made in the kitchen, then the happiness, progress and blessings of the house goes away. Never keep Lodhi upside down on the gas stove in the kitchen because doing so is considered extremely inauspicious. Keeping the Lodhi upside down on the gas stove also spoils the work done.


spray water on hot iron

According to Vastu Shastra, this mistake of Lodhi also destroys a person’s wealth. Many people, after making roti, immediately run it under cold water to remove the flour. That is, cold water is poured on the hot iron and it is cleaned. But by doing this the happiness and prosperity of the house also goes away. Never sprinkle water on a hot iron. Doing this creates troubles in the house and leads to loss of money. Lodhi should be cleaned with water only after it cools down.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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