Kitchen Hacks: Housewives keep different types of scissors in the kitchen. These scissors are useful for small kitchen tasks. But after prolonged use, the edge of the scissors gets damaged. Many times, when scissors are used to cut clothes or other items, the edge of the scissors starts rubbing. If the edge of scissors becomes blunt then they are no longer useful in the kitchen. If the edge of the scissors has become blunt, instead of replacing it, you can re-sharpen the scissors by following some simple hacks at home.


Let us tell you today about some hacks with the help of which you can re-sharpen old and dull scissors. If you sharpen the scissors with the help of this remedy, the scissors will become as sharp as new. However, be careful when sharpening scissors so as not to hurt your hands.


Aluminum foil can be used to sharpen kitchen scissors. Aluminum foil sharpens the cutting edge quickly. So let us tell you how to sharpen the edge of scissors with the help of aluminum foil?

1. First of all, take a small piece of aluminum foil. Fold the piece four to five times so that it becomes slightly thicker.


2. Then slowly cut with the edge of the scissors a piece of aluminum file that you want to remove. Run the scissors over the foil 10 to 15 times.

3. While cutting the foil, there will be stress on the shear blade and the edge will start growing.


4. To keep the scissors sharp, try this remedy every few days.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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