Kiran Singh Dev (Kiran Dev) has been re-elected as the President of the Chhattisgarh BJP. BJP National General Secretary Vinod Tawde announced his re-election on Friday, confirming that he was unanimously selected for a second term. Tawde was joined by other senior leaders, including BJP State in-charge Nitin Navin, during the announcement.
In response to Singh Dev’s re-election, the Congress party criticized the process, labeling it a staged drama with predetermined outcomes. The election procedure was completed on Thursday night at the party’s state headquarters in Raipur, overseen by election officer Khubchand Parikh.
Singh Dev was the sole candidate nominated, with all 30 proposers supporting his name. No other contenders submitted nominations, leading to his unanimous election. Previously, potential candidates included Dharamlal Kaushik, Narayan Chandel, and Ajay Chandrakar.
After his election, Singh Dev urged BJP workers to raise the party’s flag from the Panchayat level to Parliament.
Congress Communication Chief Sushil Anand Shukla remarked that even when it comes to the BJP’s internal democracy, the election appeared to be a stage managed event, again mockery of democracy they made.