Popular Telugu actor-couple Kiran Abbavaram and Rahasya Gorak surprised their fans by announcing pregnancy on Tuesday (January 21). Kiran and Rahasya married in August 2024 in the presence of their close friends and family members.
Taking to their official Instagram accounts earlier today, the couple, in a joint post, shared adorable photos from their maternity photoshoot.
In one of the pictures, Rahasya can be seen reading a book and flaunting her baby bump. Another photo showed Kiran cradling his wife’s baby bump.
One of the pictures featured the first glimpse of their soon-to-be-born baby. Yes, you read that right. Kiran and Rahasya also shared a sonographic snapshot of their baby.
“Our love is growing by 2 feet π£πΌπ£” they captioned the post. Take a look: