Kidney Stone: Kidney stones are a painful problem. This problem occurs when calcium, oxalate, uric acid and other elements form crystals in the kidneys. Kidney stones are a health condition that can recur even after treatment. That is, once the stones are treated, stones may recur again and again.

If you also have the problem of stones every few months, then today we will give you important information which will prove helpful for you. Let us today tell you the reason for frequent formation of stones and some easy ways to avoid it.


Why do stones occur often?

1. The biggest reason for frequent occurrence of stones is drinking less water. Drinking less water causes minerals to accumulate in the kidneys, which gradually turn into stones. People who drink less water also have an increased risk of having stones and people who drink less water also have a higher chance of having stones.


2. Another reason for recurrence of stones is wrong dietary style. A diet that is high in salt, high in sugar or high in protein increases the risk of kidney stones. Apart from this, oxalate rich foods like spinach, chocolate, non-veg promote kidney stones.

3. If someone in the family has been suffering from kidney stones, it is possible that other members of the family may also develop kidney stones.


4. There are some medical conditions that increase the risk of stone formation. Like high blood pressure, diabetes and stomach problems can also frequently lead to kidney failure.

Ways to avoid stones


– To avoid stones, drink at least two to three liters of water a day.

– Maintain a balanced diet and avoid eating too salty, fatty or sweet foods.

Being overweight also increases the risk of developing stones. So if you are overweight then control it.

– If the problem of stones has occurred once, then keep getting regular health checkups done.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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