New Delhi: Kiara Adv. and Sidharth Malhotra married in January 2023. The couple got married at the luxurious Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer. We could see many pictures on the internet where Kiara was happily posing with Sidharth Malhotra’s parents. A few days ago, his mother Genevieve Adv. was spotted with her son-in-law, who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the company of his mother-in-law.

Let us tell you that for the promotion of the film Satyaprem Ki Katha, Kiara Adv. did events across India with Karthik Aryan. Similarly, she was present at an event, during which she was asked whether P. Puri has been given more importance. He had a stall at his wedding and his mother-in-law, Rimmi Malhotra, loves it.


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We saw that Kiara Adv. was accomp.ed by her mother-in-law at a promotional event for Satyaprem Ki Katha. He said that his mother-in-law is now living with him. She has come to Mumbai from Delhi. Kiara Adv. knew she loved p.-puri so much that the very first day she moved here, she decided to make p.-puri at home. He said, “Jo maska ​​laga… I knew she would like me on another level.

Looks like Kiara Adv., like all desi bahus, knows that the way to win over her in-laws is through food. Kiara Adv. has always said that she strongly believes in marriage. His parents Jagdeep and Genevieve Adv. share a sweet bond.

She said that she believes in love marriage. They believe that it takes the effort of two people to build a house. He said that he is very happy with his life partner.

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