The screening of Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency was disrupted at a theatre in London on Monday after a bunch of pro-Khalistan activists stormed inside the cinema hall and demanded that the movie be halted. They were even seen engaging in verbal spat with the audience inside the theatre.
Several videos of the incident have now gone viral in which a group of men can be seen storming inside the Harrow Cinema, London, in the middle of Emergency screening and shouting slogans. “Khalistan Zindabad!” they echoed as the film played in the background.
The activists even argued with the audience in the theatre and stated that the film showed the community in a poor light.
The theatre officials are yet to file a complainst against the miscreants.
Emergency, which is a biopic of late Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, marks Kangana’s directorial debut and she has also played the lead role in the film.
The film has been at the centre of controversies ever since its first look was released, and after multiple delays and setbacks, it finally hit the theatres on January 17.
The film was earlier scheduled to release in September 2024, however, it was postponed at the last minute after the Censor Board refused to grant it a certificate. Several Sikh bodies protested against the portrayal of the community in the film, and thus, the makers were asked to comply with the cuts and changes suggested by CBFC and re-submit the film for evaluation.
Even as Emergency released on January 17, the film was not screened in many theatres across Punjab as Sikh bodies protested against it.