Bijapur: In a major development in the Mukesh Chandrakar murder case, one of the key accused, Ritesh Chandrakar, is reported to be the cousin of the deceased journalist. Mukesh Chandrakar, a freelance journalist, was known for his hard-hitting reports. He went missing on January 1, and his body was found on Friday in the septic tank on a property owned by contractor Suresh Chandrakar at Chattanpara Basti in Bijapur town.

Three persons have been detained in connection with the murder and are being interrogated,” an official said as reported by PTI. Ritesh Chandrakar is the brother of Suresh. Recently, Mukesh exposed alleged corruption in a Rs 120-crore road construction project being handled by contractor Suresh Chandrakar, reported India Today.

Initially, the tender of the road construction project from Gangalur to Hiroli in the Bastar region was of Rs 50 crore. However, the tender was reportedly increased to Rs 120 crore without any change in the scope of the work. Mukesh’s expose led to the state government initiating an inquiry.

Mukesh and Ritesh shared a history of camaraderie, reported India Today citing police sources. They often used to meet at the place where Mukesh’s body was found. However, Mukesh’s expose had strained relationships. The other accused that was arrested was reported Ritesh’s family member Dinesh Chandrakar. Meanwhile, Suresh is currently absconding.

Mukesh went missing on Wednesday evening. His elder brother Yukesh Chandrakar lodged a complaint with the police the next day. Tracking Mukesh’s mobile number, police reached the property owned by Suresh Chandrakar and found the body in a septic tank, which was freshly cast with concrete slab, a police official as reported by PTI.

Police suspect the murder is linked to a recent report of irregularities in road construction work in the district the victim had covered. Suresh Chandrakar is said to be involved in the work. Mukhesh had worked as a freelance reporter with several new channels and also had a YouTube Channel.

Protest erupted After Mukhes’s Murder:

Journalists held a symbolic road blockade at Hospital Chowk on National Highway 36 in the city in the morning, demanding that the contractor’s properties in Bastar division, including Bijapur, be attached and a case be registered against him.

They also demanded a death sentence for the contractor and others involved in the murder, removal of security detail for him, and sealing of his bank accounts, among other demands.

The protesting journalists also sought the suspension or transfer of the Bijapur superintendent of police.

Protestors have warned of an indefinite road blockade from Sunday if their demands are not met.

CM Assures Justice:

Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Friday assured that the culprits would be arrested at the earliest. Meanwhile, members of the Raipur Press Club on Friday gathered at Jai Stambh Chowk and demanded action against the killers and sought that the state government constitute a special investigation team to probe the murder.

(With inputs from PTI)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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