Pune’s renowned marathoner and joggling enthusiast, Ketan Abhonkar, is gearing up to attempt a National Joggling Record. Known for his endurance and creativity, Abhonkar will showcase the sport of joggling, where participants run while juggling three balls continuously, a rare and challenging combination of physical and mental skill.
The Punekar caught up with The Free Press Journal for an exclusive chat to share his journey at TMM and the quirky skill of joggling.
1) Explain a little to us about what joggling is exactly?..
Joggling is a unique sport that combines running and juggling. Participants juggle a set number of balls (typically three) while running, requiring them to maintain both a steady pace and consistent juggling throughout the race.
The sport is a challenging blend of physical endurance, hand-eye coordination, and mental focus.
Basic Rules of Joggling:
1. Juggling must be continuous during the run. If a ball is dropped, the participant must return to the spot where it fell and resume juggling.
2. The runner typically uses three balls, although variations can include more objects or even props like clubs.
3. The event can range from short sprints to full marathons, with many records recognized internationally.
2) When did you start joggling and how has your experience been thus far?..
An initiative #trysomethingnew by my organization during the pandemic to boost employee morale made me explore and try this hybrid combination of juggling and running. I had already mastered the static juggling then which naturally came to me (while revising the Epics Ramayana/Mahabharata on the television).
I ran my first official joggling event in Dec 2023, a mere 5k (3 balls and myself together completed 20km ) That was very well received by the masses and received some recognition in the newspaper. The sport brings smiles on onlooker’s faces, be it kids, teenagers, elders and gradually their phones are out to capture the moments. That’s something which keeps me going.
My joggling journey is a transition from “Yuh toh log kahenge” to “Mud mud ke na dekh mud mud ke”. When I took up joggling, I was a bit conscious as people around used to stare/talk and think about what I was up to (Yuh toh log kahenge..). And now everyone is amazed, and they turned back, bypassing me in their vehicle to capture what they witnessed and I am like – Mud mud ke na dekh mud mud ke:) .
3) For how long have you been running at the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025?
I have been practicing for the TMM 2025 since the last 16 weeks and none of my runs were without juggling. The practice involved running on various terrains and routes including up hills and down hills.
This happens to be my 3rd TMM Full Marathon and maiden joggling Full Marathon attempt. I have completed 5 Tata Mumbai Half Marathons yet. I have done joggling before at the TM M HM, Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon, Tata Steel World 25K Kolkata, Satara Hill Half Marathon, Pune International Half Marathon to name a few.
4) What has been your most abiding memory of running marathons over the years and especially TMM?..
According to me, running Marathons is a package experience and teaches you a lot. In the journey you plan precisely and much in advance, you succeed, you fail, you get to know your body well. It tests your patience and motivates you to achieve more and brings out a better version of yourself making you fitter and healthier on the way.
I did get an opportunity to run besides Mary Kom at the Baramati Marathon which was quite memorable.
The Mumbai crowd is amazing and the kind of support you get from Mumbaikars is unique. I am quite excited and looking forward to the same enthusiasm from Mumbaikars as I Joggle the finish line and set a Natio0nal record.
5) Tell me a bit about your professional and academic background..
I am a Mechanical Engineer by profession and I work with a software Company based out of Pune in the capacity of Senior Manager. Work keeps me busy when not running/joggling.
6) Have you set any goals for TMM 2025?
Yes, first I plan to set a National record for the fastest to complete a Full Marathon while juggling 3 balls and promote juggling, running and joggling in India.
Secondly, I am targeting a time of 4:30 – 4:45 hours to finish the race. As I am recovering from a shin pain, taking it easy.
I clocked 4:15 and 4:03 hours in my fist two Tata Mumbai Full marathons respectively.
7) What do you do apart from running and joggling?. Your other areas of interest and hobbies, passion etc..
I am good at drawing and painting, and happy to share that I gifted my spouse her self-painted portrait at our wedding then, and the result?…. I still get good home cooked food even after 18 years of married life you see (smiles).
Juggling is all about balancing and it’s a meditation for me. It has taught me to balance Work Life, relations, and time. I have a keen interest in Finance and I juggle between Marathi, Hindi, English and Japanese languages.