Lucknow: Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Keshav Prasad Maurya Recently gave an important statement saying that located in Sambhal Hanuman ji and Shiva ji temples Remained closed for more than four decades. During this period there was an atmosphere of fear and the Hindu community was forced to migrate. Local people are very happy after the reopening of the temples.

Temple remained closed for four decades

Deputy Chief Minister Maurya said that these temples of Sambhal were kept closed for a long time, due to which there was an atmosphere of fear among the people. He said,
“Due to fear and intimidation, Hindus were driven away from their religious places and forced to flee their homes. But now this situation has changed.”

Encroachment and ban on religious places will be investigated

Maurya clarified that if there has been illegal encroachment on religious places or public places in any area of ​​Uttar Pradesh or they have been closed, then it will be investigated. He said,
“This is not a matter of dispute. If anyone has encroached forcefully or people are being stopped from going there, then strict action will be taken.”

The era of fear and migration is over

In his statement, Maurya also said that the era of taking over the state through fear and intimidation and forcing a particular community to migrate is now over. He said,
“Now no one in UP can be deprived of religious places or their rights on the basis of fear. This is the time for justice and equality.”

Emphasis on social harmony

Maurya said that the state government is committed to protecting the rights of people of all religions. He said that maintaining religious harmony and social harmony is the priority of the government.
“Our government will not allow injustice to people of any religion. Everyone has complete freedom to visit their religious places.”


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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