Binil TB from Kerala has died in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Now his family and relatives are trying to bring his body to India. Binil’s family said that he had requested several times to return to India and for this had repeatedly applied to the Indian Embassy in Moscow. But they could not be brought back. Now the process of bringing his dead body to India is going on.

Death in drone attack

A few days ago, Binil’s family had received information that he and one of his relatives had been injured in a Ukrainian drone attack. After this news, Binil’s wife was in touch with the Indian Embassy in Moscow. Officials have now confirmed that Binil has died. However, his relative’s life has been saved. The Indian Embassy received this information from the Russian Army.

unsuccessful attempts to return

Binil and his relative Jain TK had been trying to return to India for several months. His wife said Binil had sent a message which read, “We are physically and mentally broken.” He also said that he was being forcibly sent to war and his life was in danger. This apprehension ultimately proved true. Since September, Binil was continuously trying to return to India, but could not succeed.

Cheated in the name of employment

Binil and his relatives were among the Indians who went to Russia in search of employment in April 2024. He was promised a job in the support staff of the Russian army. They came to Russia lured by the greed for jobs like electrician, cook, plumber and driver. After reaching there, he was asked to give up his Indian passport and take Russian citizenship. But contrary to the promise, he was deployed on the war front.

Two Indians from Kerala died

Binil is the second Indian killed in the Russia-Ukraine war. Earlier in August 2023, Sandeep, a resident of Thrissur, Kerala, also died in a drone attack. All these youths had gone to Russia in search of better employment, but became victims of fraud there.

family concerns

Now the only aim of Binil’s family is to bring his body to India. His family said, “We never thought that he would have to face this. He made every effort to return to India, but luck did not favor him.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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