The Kerala High Court has pulled up businessman Bobby Chemmanur, accused in the sexual assault case filed by Malayalam actress Honey Rose, for not coming out of jail despite getting bail a day earlier. The court said on Wednesday that Chemmanur’s conduct amounts to defying the court. Justice PV Kunhikrishnan angrily said at Chemmanur’s lawyer, “Don’t play drama with the court. Otherwise the bail may be cancelled.”
The court warned Chemmanur that he should not play games with the High Court. The judge asked why Chemmanur did not come out of jail when the bail order was uploaded on the website at 4 pm on Tuesday. The prosecution informed that Chemmanur’s lawyer did not present the release order in the jail, due to which he was not allowed to go out.
Chemmanur also claimed that he was concerned about the condition of several remand prisoners in the jail. On this the court said, “You do not need to advocate for remand prisoners. The judiciary is there to look into his case.” Justice Kunhikrishnan further said that Chemmanur wanted to attract the attention of media persons and was creating a story by keeping the release order with himself.
The court asked Chemmanur to give an explanation by 12 noon and said that if his bail is granted, it can also be cancelled. The Justice said, “Do you think you are above the law? I may ask the police to arrest him and order the investigation to be completed in two weeks.”
Chemmanur has been accused by Malayalam actress Honey Rose of making obscene remarks and sexual harassment. According to the actress’ complaint, Chemmanur touched her with malicious intent while he was wearing a necklace around her neck. However, Chemmanur has declared himself innocent, calling all the allegations baseless.