Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan strongly condemned the ‘mini-Pakistan’ remark made by Nitesh Rane, BJP’s minister in Maharashtra. On Monday (December 30), Vijayan said the remarks were “deeply provocative and deplorable”.

The Kerala CM said that Rane’s comments reflected mentality of ‘Sangh Parivar” towards the state.

Nitesh Rane said earlier that Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi were elected to parliament from Kerala because the state was ‘mini-Pakistan’.

He said that wherever Sangh Parivar faces difficulty in gaining influence, it uses hate campaigns and divisive narratives to obtain.

“The statement by Maharashtra BJP Minister Nitesh Rane, labelling Kerala as “Mini Pakistan,” is deeply provocative and deplorable. It reflects the fundamental approach of the Sangh Parivar towards Kerala. The Sangh Parivar believes they can marginalise and isolate regions where they struggle to establish influence through hate campaigns and divisive narratives. Rane’s statement is a direct example of this strategy,” the statement read.

Vijayan further slammed central government for not addressing the issue of Rane’s provocative comment. He said that remarks were violation of constitutional norms and oath of office a minister takes.

“A minister who makes such hate-filled remarks is unfit to hold office. It is astonishing that the leadership of the ruling party at the centre has chosen not to react to this blatant violation of constitutional values and the minister’s oath of office,” he added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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