Kawasaki has launched the Ninja 1100SX in India at Rs 13.49 lakh (ex-showroom). Available in a single standard variant, the motorcycle features a Metallic Matte Graphene Steel Gray and Metallic Diablo Black color scheme. Serving as the successor to the Ninja 1000SX, which was discontinued in February 2024, the Ninja 1100SX aims to cater to litre-class enthusiasts with updated features and a refreshed design.

Kawasaki’s Ninja 1100SX is powered by a 1,099cc liquid-cooled inline-four engine, producing 136hp at 9,000rpm and 113Nm of torque at 7,600rpm. While torque has increased by 2Nm compared to the outgoing Ninja 1000SX, power is down by 6hp. To improve fuel efficiency and highway cruising comfort, Kawasaki has revised the 5th and 6th gear ratios, reducing engine rpm at higher speeds.

The Ninja 1100SX shares its chassis with the outgoing Ninja 1000SX, with the only change being a 10mm larger rear disc brake. It retains the same advanced electronics suite, including riding modes, power modes, traction control, a bidirectional quick-shifter, and cruise control. While the Ninja 1000SX was popular for its mix of litre-class performance and touring comfort, Kawasaki has only launched the standard variant of the 1100SX in India, with the higher-spec SE version featuring Öhlins suspension and Brembo brakes yet to arrive.

Kawasaki Ninja 1100SX

The Kawasaki Ninja 1100SX can be booked at authorized dealerships for a token amount of Rs 50,000, with deliveries set to commence in January 2025. In the Indian market, it faces limited competition, with the Triumph Tiger 900 GT, priced at Rs 13.95 lakh, being its closest rival.

In October, Kawasaki introduced the 2025 Vulcan S in India at an ex-showroom price of Rs 7.10 lakh. The latest version features a new Pearl Matte Green color, adding a sophisticated touch to its design. Despite the fresh aesthetic update, the bike retains its core features.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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