India Block will go to Supreme Court against ‘EVM tampering’: After the crushing defeat in the Maharashtra Assembly elections, the opposition alliance India Bloc has decided to approach the Supreme Court, accusing the Election Commission and BJP of rigging the elections. Sharad Pawar faction leader Prashant Jagtap gave this information on Tuesday. The decision was announced after a meeting between NCP chief Sharad Pawar, Arvind Kejriwal and prominent lawyer and Congress leader Abhishek Singhvi.

BJP accused of election rigging

The opposition alliance alleged that EVMs were tampered in favor of the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Mahayuti alliance, which led to its defeat in the Maharashtra Assembly elections. Also during the meeting, Kejriwal expressed concern over the voter list in Delhi Assembly elections.



Appeal will be filed in the Supreme Court

Nationalist Congress Party (Sharad Pawar) city president Prashant Jagtap told the media, ‘We will file an appeal in the Supreme Court against the rigging done by the Election Commission for the victory of BJP. We have faith in the Supreme Court and we hope that the Supreme Court will give a verdict in our favor and against the scam.

Election Commission said – no irregularities were found

Earlier, the Election Commission had said, ‘No irregularities were found in the votes cast and VPAT slips in the Maharashtra Assembly elections. Counting of VVPAT slips was successfully completed from randomly selected polling stations in each assembly constituency.


India block dissatisfied after election results

Let us tell you that EVM has been a controversial issue between the opposition India Bloc and NDA. The opposition has repeatedly accused BJP of rigging the elections to get desired results.

India Bloc is dissatisfied after the results of Haryana and Maharashtra assembly elections. Out of 90 seats in Haryana, BJP won a bumper 48 seats, while Congress got only 37 seats.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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