Actress Karisma Kapoor often makes heads turn for her stunning outfits. Besides her films, the actress is also known for her fashion sense. She took her fans by surprise after she shared photos in a yellow jumpsuit on Instagram
Karisma Kapoor was seen wearing a crepe jersey jumpsuit, which was styled by Ami Patel and Garima Garg
The actress also wore a matching yellow blazer with floor-length palazzo pants and paired it with studded earrings
She posed confidently in front of the camera and amazed the audience with her fashion sense
The actress opted for nude makeup and left her hair open
The caption of her post read, “Butter me up.”
She wore this outfit for an episode of ‘India’s Best Dancer 4’ in which she is seen as a judge

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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