Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan slammed paparazzi and issued a stern warning after they shot a video of their Bandra house, days after attack on her actor-husband Saif Ali Khan. She asked media to leave them alone, however, the actress deleted her post just minutes after posting it.

Taking to her Instagram story on Monday (January 20), Kareena re-posted a media portal’s video which showed new toys arriving at their house for Taimur and Jeh.

“New toys arrive for Taimur and Jeh at their residence,” the headline of the video read. Reacting to it, Kareena lashed out at the paps and wrote, “Stop this now, have a heart… leave us alone for God’s sake,” along with folded hands emoticons.

The story is not available on her official Instagram account now.

Saif is currently recovering after suffering multiple stab injuries during an alleged burglary attempt at his Bandra residence. The actor was supposed to get discharged on Monday, however, Dr Nitin Dange of Lilavati Hospital said he will remain under observation and the decision on discharging him will be made in the next one to two days.

The attack took place when an intruder, later identified as Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad, entered the actor’s home with the alleged intent of theft. Saif sustained stab wounds to his thoracic spine while attempting to intervene during a confrontation between the intruder and his housemaid.

Meanwhile, according to the police, various investigation teams were formed to probe the case, and charges have been registered under sections 311, 312, 331(4), 331(6), and 331(7) of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS).

The accused was arrested at Hiranandani Estate in Thane while attempting to flee to his native village. It was revealed that he hails from the Jhalokati district in Bangladesh.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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